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Tag: emotional pain

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

By on February 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Universe is supporting and holding space for the ascension of Gaia as a planetary consciousness. The Universe is inviting humans to come along for the ride: for the upgrade in frequency, for the return to our sacred human consciousness of fully lit up DNA, for the merging of our light body with our physical 3D bodies, and for the embracement of our previously forgotten soul gift expression

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Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

By on May 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Forgiveness can be a really sticky issue. Everyone knows it is “blessed” to forgive, yet most of us secretly—or not-so-secretly— harbor grudges, carry resentments, relive betrayals, and plot revenge, if only in our fantasies. After all, we “earned” those stripes through our own pain and anguish.

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Depression And Spiritual Awakening

Depression And Spiritual Awakening

By on January 14, 2016 in Health, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you suffer from depression, or know someone close to you who does, then you came to the right place. No, I’m not a psychologist, but if you are anything like me, chances are that your faith in psycho-therapy has diminished, if not disappeared completely. I’m here to share with you my own experience of dealing with chronic depression, how the hopelessness that comes with it had made me attempt suicide numerous times, what steps I took to overcome this so called “mental disorder,” and what impact all of this has had on my spiritual awakening. My experience has driven me to find a true peace of mind and the sense of true happiness that can only be found within ourselves.

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The Gift Of Psychic Abilities

The Gift Of Psychic Abilities

By on August 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Karen Hollis omtimes Many people get enamored with the apparent glamour of psychic abilities. It’s easy to think it would be wonderful to see some aspect of the future, to help people sort out their problems, or to bring forth messages from deceased loved ones. It’s also quite common for people say to a […]

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12 Tips For Recovering From Emotional Pain

12 Tips For Recovering From Emotional Pain

By on May 26, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

We’ve all experienced emotional pain, but how does one get over it?

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