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Tag: emotional

Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

Forgiveness As The Ultimate Act Of Self-Love!

By on May 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Forgiveness can be a really sticky issue. Everyone knows it is “blessed” to forgive, yet most of us secretly—or not-so-secretly— harbor grudges, carry resentments, relive betrayals, and plot revenge, if only in our fantasies. After all, we “earned” those stripes through our own pain and anguish.

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How To Deal With 4th Dimensional Entities

How To Deal With 4th Dimensional Entities

By on April 21, 2015 in Awareness

Whether we like it or not, entities are everywhere in the 4th dimensional field around us. If you’ve been drawn to read this article then I imagine you have already experienced the challenges that having entities in your field might bring.

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Clear Your Emotional Clutter : Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Clear Your Emotional Clutter : Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

By on March 30, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

“Most of our emotional and physical problems are caused (or contributed to) by our unresolved specific events, the vast majority of which can be easily handled by EFT.” —Gary Craig

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Zapped By Emotional Vampires: How To Spot Them

Zapped By Emotional Vampires: How To Spot Them

By on March 18, 2015 in Awareness

by Kathi Calahan You dread meeting them for lunch, but go anyway. Hours later you’re exhausted, have a headache and find yourself making weak excuses to run for your life. You’ve just been zapped by an emotional vampire. No, they don’t actually drain the blood from your neck (although you may have a stiff neck […]

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Your Emotional, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual State Changes Every 7 Years!

Your Emotional, Physical, Mental, and Spiritual State Changes Every 7 Years!

By on November 13, 2014 in Science

Tony Crisp does an amazing job of capsulizing this material in a cohesive way that’s easily understandable for everyone! by Tony Crisp Are you the same person now that you were fifteen years ago? In fact, are you the same person you were just seven years ago? Most of us have heard the old saying […]

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