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Tag: Energy Update – The Shift Is Happening!

Energy Update – The Shift Is Happening

Energy Update – The Shift Is Happening

By on March 3, 2019 in Energy Updates

by Morag, Contributing writer, The Shift is happening. Meditation, breathwork and mantras for mind body soul health, healing and protection. How to navigate the Shift? What will it feel or look like? How to stay in love vibration? The material plane is shifting it’s frequency to higher vibratory fields. We are leveling up. Duality, […]

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Energy Update – The Shift Is Happening!

Energy Update – The Shift Is Happening!

By on July 8, 2018 in Energy Updates

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Here we go friends. The great shift is in full swing now! We are being transformed from the inside out. We were one thing and now we are becoming something quite different. Upgraded humans are walking among us, we are them, they are us. We are becoming a unity consciousness race. […]

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