Tag: esp
The History Of The Tin Foil Hat
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com We have all heard of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists but where did the aluminum foil hat idea come from, why do people wear tin foil hats and what are its origins? Why would someone wear an aluminum foil hat? People wear tinfoil hats to: […]
4 Super Powers Of The Highly Empathic
Many empathic, or highly sensitive people feel that their ability to feel so many different emotional energies in their environments is a curse, but with recent research suggesting that empaths are actually highly psychic, you may want to hone your empathic skills instead of hiding them away, or bemoaning their existence.
How Your Psychic Senses Are Connected To Earth’s Energy
Psychic researcher Pete A. Sanders Jr. knew early on that psychic ability was real, leading him to spend his education at MIT studying brain science and biomedical chemistry, hoping to understand the complex relationship between the brain, the mind and the nervous system.
Phenomenon – How Consciousness And Reality Are Intertwined
by Arjun Walia, CollectiveEvolution Quantum physics has already shed some light on the role of consciousness and reality. There are multitudes of studies and phenomenon that also show how they are intertwined, and one of them is called psychokinesis. One (of many) areas of psychic research is Psychokinesis, also know as PK. This encompasses the […]
How To Refine Your Psychic Powers
Do you see auras, energy, or hear tones or voices? Do you know who is calling before you answer the phone? Have you ever had a dream that came true? Refining psychic powers takes a little concentration and time, but with practice you can tune in to the next level of vibration to receive messages from your guides and to communicate with various other forms of consciousness.
ESP And The Akashic Records
Philadelphia Experiment psychic trained participant, Duncan Cameron, talks about everyone’s ESP potential and the Akashic records.