Tag: false flags

False Flags, The Matrix, & Shadow Bans – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep. #15
In5D Founder Gregg Prescott talks about False Flags, The Matrix, Shadow Bans, & Consciousness.

What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?
What is important right now is shifting our focus to what we want to create and and remembering how to use the power the we have as a soul incarnated into a physical human Earth vessel.

James Gilliland Update – We Are In The Last Days of The Tyrants
There is a multidimensional war going on, an unseen cleansing and healing of both the seen and unseen malevolent forces; which have enslaved humanity for eons. Do you think you will hear about this in mainstream news? They are part of the Archon network.

September 2015 – Deception, False Light and Our Collective Evolution
by Simon Vorster, RaisingVibrations There is much speculation and anticipation about September 2015. Many of us have been researching and trying to understand the potential outcomes of events such as the coming Blood Moon tetrad, the reactivation of CERN, the UN Genreal Assembly and Operation Jade Helm 15, while others are predicting everything from false flags to the realization of […]