Tag: fasting

Fasting And Meditation
In today’s busy world, where things can get pretty hectic, some folks are finding comfort in two ancient practices: fasting and meditation. Fasting means taking a break from eating for a while, and meditation is about calming your mind and looking inward. These practices have been around for ages, and now people are turning to them for a holistic approach to feeling better. Combining fasting and meditation seems to be a powerful combo, not just for your body but also for your mind and spirit. Let’s explore how taking a break from food and practicing mindfulness can make a positive impact on your overall well-being.

Spiritual Fasting – A Secret Source Of Power
by Dr. Laura De Giorgio Fasting can help you to renew your body and your mind and to deepen your awareness of the spirit within you. On a physical level, as your body gets rid of toxins and has the opportunity to renew and recharge itself, many even seemingly incurable health problems will simply dissolve. […]