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Tag: Feeling

Signs Of When You Are Hearing, Seeing, And Feeling Angels Or Divine Presence

Signs Of When You Are Hearing, Seeing, And Feeling Angels Or Divine Presence

By on August 31, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Seraphia Preston The spiritual shift in man and the general evolution towards a higher conscious, has given us the opportunity to communicate with Higher Divine Realms. This is a true gift and not one that is to be considered to belong to the ‘rare few’. We are all made in the image of Creator, […]

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16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On the Right Path

16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Actually Indicate You’re On the Right Path

By on December 30, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It usually takes a bit of discomfort to break through to a new understanding, to release a limiting belief, to motivate ourselves to create real change. Discomfort is a signal, one that is often very helpful. Here are a few (less than desirable) feelings that may indicate you’re on the right path after all.

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Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

By on August 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We become what we think about all day long.  What thoughts do you have that inhibit you from feeling as if you’re on purpose in your life? For instance, if you think that you’re separate from your pur­pose and that you’re drifting without direction through your life, then that’s precisely what you’ll attract.

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