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Tag: gamma rays

A Nutritional Awakening For Ascension

A Nutritional Awakening For Ascension

By on August 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Have you been bogged down by ascension symptoms?  Do you have low energy, lack motivation and focus?  If so you’re not alone and perhaps my story can help you.

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Quantum Mechanics And You

Quantum Mechanics And You

By on February 17, 2017 in Science, Spiritual Awakening

We see the term “quantum” used more and more. We get an intuitive sense of what that means as some very small packets of energy that make up our universe. Let’s add some depth to that understanding.

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Massive Burst Of 7th Dimensional Transformational Gamma Rays Are Expected To Arrive By December 26th

Massive Burst Of 7th Dimensional Transformational Gamma Rays Are Expected To Arrive By December 26th

By on December 13, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

A massive burst of transformational gamma rays are expected to arrive by December 26th, 2016.

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Energy Update – Super High Geomagnetic Solar Winds

Energy Update – Super High Geomagnetic Solar Winds

By on October 26, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, We’ve gone Ultra-Sonic. Super high geomagnetic solar winds started about an hour or two ago. These knock us on our butts. We go through an intense inability to function as we upgrade huge. The body goes weak, the mind goes mush. High high high charging protons/ions and these sound like razors, which […]

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Unprecedented Galactic Cosmic Rays Are Accelerating

Unprecedented Galactic Cosmic Rays Are Accelerating

By on April 30, 2016 in Science

REMINDER: “In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center […]

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