Tag: goddess

ENERGY UPDATE – In-Between Of Energies -Re-Birth – Re-Blending & Re-Adjusting – Divine Feminine Energy – Males Re-Acting
by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, In5D.com Part 4 After going through our recent Re-Birth (in the human after our Galactic Re-Birth) many felt this and felt so different and I know I was excited as to how certain things did not ‘seem to matter’ as much as they did recently, even with faith and trust. This […]

The Missing Character Of The Creation Story
by Andriana Eloha, Contributing Writer,In5d.com In the Beginning, the GodDess was a pure, mysterious, enigmatic Void and Stillness, a dazzling darkness in a state of infinite depth that can not be defined or described, it can only be experienced. This Void and Stillness contained all possibilities and all forms that could exist. These original forms […]

Planet Alert September 2015 – Wave X Is The Wave Of Love
by Mahala Gayle, Mahalas Astrology The magical month of September has arrived and it really came in with a roar here in Washington State with a major wind storm. At the time of the full moon of August 29th the planet Uranus, which rules wind and storms was conjunct the dark moon Lilith. This activated […]

Inside The Wicca Circle – Feeling The Magic
by Lori Ann Robinson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Living a magical lifestyle isn’t always easy. In today’s society where paganism, specifically Wicca, has become less taboo and more mainstream, many people are drifting away from organized religion and finding their way back to nature and the old ways. Why is this? It can be for a […]

Indigo Relationships
by Lady Mistycah Have you been feeling extremely lonely and empty to the core lately…..to the brink of tears or apathy? Have you had old fears you thought were dead and buried come back to haunt you and run-a-muck to the point of obsession? Have you had bad dreams that tie you to “old romances […]

Prophecy Of The Rainbow Warriors And Future Of Planet Earth
by MessageToEagle We find ancient doomsday prophecies in several sacred books, scripts and legends worldwide. Some of these prophecies challenge our beliefs and trust in the future. Will the world as we know it end completely? Will humanity cease to exist? Will our race be replaced with a new one? The Native American Rainbow Prophecy […]

Waking Up The Goddess: Why Women Will Change The World
by Manel Blanco For too many centuries and up to the present moment, women have been like footnotes in history books that no one bothered to read. Confined to a secondary role, they have been cast aside to serve the needs of society and men. In the present era circumstances have changed as there seems […]