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Tag: Greek mythology

Are You a Cycle Breaker?

Are You a Cycle Breaker?

By on May 18, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Are you an old soul who was born into a family of younger souls? Was your childhood dysfunctional and/or traumatic? Do you reject the deeply ingrained, unhealthy patterns or negative beliefs held by many of your family members? Have you gone through years, even decades, of intense personal healing to undo the negative programming of childhood? Has your personal healing journey had a positive impact on your family and your relationship with them? Do you identity with any of these roles: Lightworker, Earth Angel, Healer/Shaman, or Starseed? If you said ‘yes’ to most of these questions, you may be a Cycle Breaker. So what exactly is a Cycle Breaker?

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