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Tag: higher dimensions

How To Hear Your Guides

How To Hear Your Guides

By on November 21, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The most effective way to create a conducive environment to be able to perceive your Guides can be done quite easily after some balancing of the energy field and contemplation of the Self.

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Energy Update – Mass Consciousness Shifting, The Release Of The Old Program

Energy Update – Mass Consciousness Shifting, The Release Of The Old Program

By on November 16, 2016 in Energy Updates

by L’Aura Pleiadian, As everything arises, the anger, the protests, that opposes WHAT is ~ is up for transformation. Mass consciousness is in a constant activation and awakening mode, as the evolution, continues. Moment to moment. Hour to hour you are receiving activations. ALL that is of a lower frequency within your cellular consciousness (your […]

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Yes, Aliens Are Involved In This Mass Ascension Into The 5th Dimension

Yes, Aliens Are Involved In This Mass Ascension Into The 5th Dimension

By on November 15, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

by Steve Beckow, I was listening to an intel report that was talking about the events that are unfolding and the man suddenly paused and said: “Listen, I know you’re gonna think I flipped my lid, but there are aliens involved in this. It started about seven or eight years ago. There are Pleiadians, Draconians…” […]

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10 Things to Know About Chakras

10 Things to Know About Chakras

By on November 1, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Chakra maintenance is a large part of the awakening process, of toning down the control our ego has over our thoughts, feelings and actions. Having our chakras in balance is the aspiration, the aim, to be connected to the universal love frequency and maintain this connection through our daily life.

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The Arcturians – Leaving Time

The Arcturians – Leaving Time

By on September 9, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

The Arcturians through Sue Lie I wrote this in July when we were on the 101 Highway going to Northern California. The traffic was practically stopped, and I could “feel” the aura of all the fires that were burning in that area of the state. I remember that I asked the Arcturians about the upcoming […]

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September Timeline Waves

September Timeline Waves

By on August 31, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Diane Canfield, 2016 has been a banner year for Ascension Energy Waves. We have already had more than 10 energy waves coming in that I have written articles about and that is only going back 6 months in time. I reported back on August 1st that the energy waves were now booming into one […]

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26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?

26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?

By on May 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for all life in the universe. This process is called ascension. The dimension is the 5th. Everyone and everything ascends when their energy vibration reaches a specific frequency of Light.

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March Energy Madness – Equinox, Eclipse And Beyond

March Energy Madness – Equinox, Eclipse And Beyond

By on March 21, 2016 in Astrology, Spiritual Awakening

March Madness is in full swing. To recap we have had non-stop energy coming in since the beginning of March and before. This energy is coming in to completely transform us and our bodies into Crystalline light bodies for the transformation into the 5th dimension and beyond. Many of us already exist consciously in these higher realms. The next step is to take our body with us and the transformation of the human body into the light body.

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Is The Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels Of Consciousness?

Is The Human Race Ascending To Higher Levels Of Consciousness?

By on November 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

For millennia, many religions and spiritual teachers have been telling us that during 2012 and soon after, humanity will experience a special spiritual event called ascension. Is this event true or is it just a fantasy dreamed up by certain crazy people. My understanding of ascension is that it isn’t a fantasy, but a natural cycle of the Universe and we are in the middle of ascending to higher levels of consciousness.

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What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It?

What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It?

By on October 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing writer, The ego is a third dimensional tool our human body uses for and identity and protection. As we move toward the fifth dimension, some say we need to get rid of it, some say we need to tame it, and some say we should love it. What actually […]

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6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now

By on October 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality. Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence in our abilities will soon magnify to great levels in the coming years. There will be some obstacles and challenges ahead, but know that the following shifts in our being are happening right now as all humans are born into spiritual wealth without practice.

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Understanding The 5th Dimension

Understanding The 5th Dimension

By on August 14, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Ridge Keough, The 5th dimensional reality is becoming a frequency in which humanity is growing into everyday. Our sights, smells, tastes are all changing as we raise our vibration to match that of the 5th dimension. Heightened states of awareness, compassion, and knowledge are all just beginning to flourish. As our sensory systems align […]

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Crystals for Spiritual Upgrade & Light Code Integration

Crystals for Spiritual Upgrade & Light Code Integration

By on June 8, 2015 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you ever been in an altered state of consciousness, and all of a sudden you get a fleeting vision of symbols, geometry, complex mathematical equations, hieroglyphics, or something that looks like morse code?

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Is Your Mental Functioning Switching To That Of A Higher Dimension?

Is Your Mental Functioning Switching To That Of A Higher Dimension?

By on May 27, 2015 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

The way we process thoughts and communicate in 3D and 5D are completely different experiences. As we ascend into the higher dimensions we will begin to notice at times that we are not processing our thoughts and communication the same. In 3D we use words that have definition to communicate with each other. In the higher realms, there is a lot more perception involved. I would like to share with you my personal experience.

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Ascension Symptoms: Sleep and Dreams

Ascension Symptoms: Sleep and Dreams

By on April 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are moving into the higher dimensions at the present. This is creating a temporary confusion of time. You will have dreams that are erratic and strange sometimes. You will wake up and feel emotionally confused. Your sleep patterns might be totally disrupted.

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