Tag: higher perspective
The Power Of Choosing Joy
by Sameena Khan, Contributing Writer,In5D.com We are all here on this planet searching for something, evolving, waking up. In a world where we are trying to survive everyday struggles, wouldn’t it be wonderful for us to have more joy in our lives as we learn our lessons and gather experiences? How would your life change […]
Shift Your Perspective – Face Your Fears
by Adeana M. Slater, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Often times a dissatisfactory event occurs to show us what we need to work on the most to heal and grow as a soul. When a situation “triggers” a reaction in us, we can very easily spiral out of control with our perpetuating thoughts, which fuels our “upset” to […]
Forgiveness IS Freedom
Most of our lessons and soul growth comes from the most unfavorable situations or circumstances. It is often people or events that enter our life and seem to present challenges in which we are forced to deal with head on. If pain or upset is triggered in us as a reaction, it can lead to bitterness and a feeling of anger.
Politics, Soul Ages And The Bifurcation Of Worlds
by Kim Hutchinson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Preface: I wrote this article to help people who are unhappy with American election results. I hope it helps to bring you peace and understanding. The Election Wednesday morning when I awoke to news of Donald Trump’s ascendancy to the position of President of the United States my first reaction […]