Tag: history

The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga
The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga – YOGA: to join together as in the yoke that joins two ox together to pull a wagon; union; the joining of the physical and spiritual aspects of our being.

144,000 The Language of Light
The following is an excerpt from Barbara Marciniak: The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as the Language of Light.

Are You Remembering The Past Or Another Timeline?
Are you remembering the past, or another timeline of your life or alternate reality? Here’s a powerful theory that explains why healing one version of the past heals every other reality (and why it doesn’t matter which timeline your “memory” comes from—it all leads to soul growth and miraculous emotional healing.)

The History Of The Tin Foil Hat
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com We have all heard of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists but where did the aluminum foil hat idea come from, why do people wear tin foil hats and what are its origins? Why would someone wear an aluminum foil hat? People wear tinfoil hats to: […]

38 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Carl Jung
An entire world knows Carl Jung as the brilliant psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology. His works and his words have impacted the world today in significant ways and it will continue to do so for a long time. And since I personally have learned a great deal from this amazing man, I wanted to share with you 38 of these many lessons.

How To Change The Future
Seers, oracles, mystics…these are just some of the names given to those who were able to look through a window from the present into the future present. Operating using the vehicle of consciousness computing complex patterns, processes, and possibilities based on the unfolding of present circumstances, these able-ones have a perspective that potentially holds a greater power for changing the reality we experience on this planet than anything else.

Unicorns: History, Magic, Myth and Symbolism
by Kendra, Contributing Autho, In5d.com “…Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the Unicorn, “If you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.” – Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll The Legend of the Unicorn, a powerhouse of Historical Significance, Magic, Myth and Symbolism. Sightings of this elusive creature have been reported […]

UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History
An unidentified flying object, often abbreviated UFO or U.F.O., is an unusual apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable to the observer as any known object. Originally referred to popularly as “flying saucers” during the late 40’s, the term UFO became more widespread during the 50s at first in professional literature, but […]

Scott Mandelker – A Brief History of ET – Earth Contact
by Scott Mandelker All information recorded from all volumes of The Ra Material Legend: BP = Before Present D = Density/Dimension A. Pre-Human Civilization 705,000 BP — Extensive Maldek Wars (creates Maldek soul’s metaphysical-astral — knot of fear) 600,000 BP — Confederation spiritual healing of Maldek population souls on inner 3D planes 500,000 BP — […]