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Tag: human spirit

5 Steps To Improve Your Spiritual Health

5 Steps To Improve Your Spiritual Health

By on September 1, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What does the term ‘spiritual health’ mean? We all have our own perspective of what both ‘spiritual’ and ‘health’ mean in a general sense, but when we talk about spiritual health we define it as ‘a sense of wholeness.’

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How To Develop The Four Primary Skills Of All Meditation

How To Develop The Four Primary Skills Of All Meditation

By on May 16, 2015 in Meditation

Emancipation or freedom from slavery and bondage is ultimately what the human spirit craves. From the perspective of your spirit, slavery encompasses how the attachments in your life—such as sex, material items, money, power and all that they bring—prevent you from being free. Bondage has to do with the ways in which your ego (or collection of identities) and your karmic loops bind you into the reality you experience, and thereby limit your human growth. So the question is: How can you free your spirit and, in so doing, realise your human potential?

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