Tag: hypnotized

Hypnotized Subject Talks About Impending Shift Of Consciousness To 5D
In a recent hypnosis session, a hypnotized subject spills the beans about what we can expect in the near future regarding the upcoming shift of consciousness.

Dolores Cannon – My Past Life Regression Session With The Master
It was a brilliantly clear, dark and starry sky the early morning I left to drive to northwest Arkansas for Dolores Cannon’s Past Life Regression class. I remember standing on our driveway mentally going over what I would need for the next five days. I was pretty sure I had packed everything necessary. I opened the back door of the pickup truck and tossed in my backpack.
Dolores Cannon Comments About The New Earth
These are some ‘what to expect’ excerpts from Dolores Cannon’s ‘Convoluted Universe Book Two from the chapter, ‘The New Earth’.
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