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Tag: Kevin Annet

What If EVERYONE Was Wealthy Beyond Their Wildest Dreams?

What If EVERYONE Was Wealthy Beyond Their Wildest Dreams?

By on April 16, 2015 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, What if EVERYONE was wealthy beyond their wildest dreams? Who would still want to work if money wasn’t an issue anymore? How would that affect our every day lives and our perceived “freedom”? I often use an analogy of freedom as a man walking his dog.  […]

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Money And The Myth Of Freedom

Money And The Myth Of Freedom

By on September 20, 2014 in Awareness, Spiritual Awakening

What if EVERYONE was wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and how would that affect our perceived “freedom”? I often use an analogy of freedom as a man walking his dog. The man is the government, you are the dog and the leash is your freedom.

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