Tag: Lakota

American Indian Teachings: Teepee In The Water
There are so many lessons and teachings we can learn from nature in everyday life. This is one provided by our Native American family. The following is an excerpt from Nature’s Way: Native Wisdom for Living in Balance with the Earth by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, pg 32-33.

We Are All ONE From The Native American Perspective
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Oren Lyons and Russell Means. Native American words of wisdom and our link to all life and the future of our planet. The driving point in this video is the story of the tree. If you cut down one tree, you are […]

Native Elders Reveal Centuries Of Extraterrestrial Contact Lore
For ten days in June, the Yankton Sioux Reservation on the windswept high plains of South Dakota was a gathering place for indigenous tribal leaders from around the globe and hundreds of Native and Euro-American listeners. The occasion was the Star Knowledge Conference and Sun Dance, convoked by Lakota (Sioux) spiritual leader Standing Elk in response to a vision. The vision showed that Native American spiritual knowledge about the Star Nations was to be shared. This Conference also fulfilled ancient Hopi and Lakota prophecies.

Prophecy Of The Rainbow Warriors And Future Of Planet Earth
by MessageToEagle We find ancient doomsday prophecies in several sacred books, scripts and legends worldwide. Some of these prophecies challenge our beliefs and trust in the future. Will the world as we know it end completely? Will humanity cease to exist? Will our race be replaced with a new one? The Native American Rainbow Prophecy […]