Tag: light energy

An Explanation Of The Space-Time Vortex Around Earth
Einstein’s theory about a space-time vortex surrounding planet Earth is something that NASA has been working on that I would like to explain.

Awakening To Truth
Awakening is learning from history, experience and higher self, to ‘ascension’ a life of joy and happiness at a New Earth in5d. There are eons of history, told and retold but hidden for ulterior motives and human slavery. We get assistance and deep whispers from our higher selves, ascended masters and higher realm beings.

One Way Of Defining Connectedness
When someone says we are all connected and we are the embodiment of the universe and we are holding the light, here’s what that means to me.

Energy Update – We Are In Preparation Mode As StarGates Align & The Crystalline Grid Fires Up
by Lisa Brown, Aloha beautiful love family, StarGates aligning all day, the Crystalline Grid “firing up”, quickening occurring, timelines collapsing/converging and we are “preparing” all day thus far today… it’s like being on the runway, getting ready to take off…. Lots of aligning… lots…. occurring… For me, I have much to share/write with some tools […]