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Tag: mantras

11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

By on June 9, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Here’s a short list of the benefits that come from a daily meditation practice.

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11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

11 Ways to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

By on June 8, 2019 in Health, Meditation with 0 Comments

This how-to list will give you a reference point for exercises and ways to help with pineal gland decalcification.  Your pineal gland, also referred to as the 3rd eye, is a small endocrine gland in the geometric center part of your brain.  It is home to the ajna (brow) chakra and its energy is of psychic and spiritual phenomena.

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Energy Update – 1111 And 444

Energy Update – 1111 And 444

By on May 27, 2019 in Energy Updates with 0 Comments

Energy Update: Incoming upgrades, downloads and lightbody activation. 1111 and 444 are big cosmic numbers friends, they herald a further push forward in the Shift.

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5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love

5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love

By on May 13, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, not linear.

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Energy Update – Sacral Chakra Activation

Energy Update – Sacral Chakra Activation

By on March 1, 2018 in Energy Updates, Meditation with 0 Comments

Sacral chakra activation is occurring on a global scale. Gaia is resetting her emotional center, we have the opportunity to do the same. In response the elite are bombarding us with heavy, low frequencies. A maelstrom of conflicting energies is stifling many.

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7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul

7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul

By on June 15, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

How do we consciously raise our vibrations in this hostile environment? Switch on our energetic systems, embrace activation codes, cosmic upgrades. Download, upload, upgrade and evolve?

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Waking Up Between 3-5AM Can Be A Sign Of A Spiritual Awakening

Waking Up Between 3-5AM Can Be A Sign Of A Spiritual Awakening

By on March 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

via RecipesForAHealthyLife, “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep.” – Rumi Waking up at the same time every night without an alarm clock might be a sign that you need to pay attention to. You […]

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7 Ways To Communicate To Our Multi-Dimensional Soul Tribe

7 Ways To Communicate To Our Multi-Dimensional Soul Tribe

By on March 13, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As we travel this time space continuum we call life, we are not alone. We are connected as beings of frequencies, to a multi verse of quantum dimensions. We are also connected to our soul tribe and that greater part of us, our higher self.

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Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Suffer From EMF Sensitivity?

Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Suffer From EMF Sensitivity?

By on March 19, 2015 in Health

by Max and Lana, Guest writers,   Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields, or EMF Sensitivity, is a pervasive, daunting, and potentially devastating condition that affects a large number of people, many of  whom are on a ‘spiritual path’. While almost everyone is affected to some degree by exposure to man-made and/or geopathic sources of electromagnetic fields, […]

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Finally!  An American Idol Contestant With True, Spiritual Values

Finally! An American Idol Contestant With True, Spiritual Values

By on March 10, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In a time where most teenaged girls are caught up in ego and materialism, an American Idol contestant has emerged with a deep understanding of the Law of Attraction, gratitude and oneness.

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The Mind Blowing Power Of Mantra

The Mind Blowing Power Of Mantra

By on February 12, 2015 in Meditation

by Christina Sarich, Mantra yoga goes hand in hand with the Vedic sciences as well as Tantra, but it has been practiced in many forms by multiple cultures throughout the world. Gregorian chants are also a form of mantra, meant to elevate the consciousness. The Vedas (Rig Veda, etc.) themselves are mantras, and those who […]

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