Tag: materialism

Profiting in Spirituality – Placing a Price on Spiritual Growth
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com At what point does money become part of spirituality? At what expense do we sell our values for financial security? Money and Spirituality This leads to an interesting conundrum. At what point does money become part of spirituality? What is the dividing point between making a […]

Changing Possible Futures And Probable Timelines
Every day, we are making decisions that affect our immediate lifestyles and future timelines. Even something as simple as choosing between two different pairs of socks or even not wearing socks at all will create future timelines. Basically, whatever choice you make in life will affect many different timelines and probably futures.

6 GREAT Reasons Not To Watch The News
It is important that all people try to stay as positive and optimistic as possible. The Law of Attraction brings to us what we are thinking about, feeling about and acting on. Unfortunately, by plugging in each night to watch the news, many of us are unconsciously allowing the mainstream media to lower our vibrations. These lower vibrations bring us realities that are based on anger, anxiety and fear. To explain this further, I’ve outlined 6 good reasons not to watch the news.