Tag: matrix
Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, And Leaders
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Would it surprise you to know that not all spirit guides assigned to us have our best interests in mind? As we learn more information and move toward a new level of understanding on the planet, it may be time for a change of the guard in your guidance […]
Physicists Discover ‘Clearest Evidence Yet’ That The Universe Is A Hologram
by Independent A team of physicists have provided what has been described by the journal Nature as the “clearest evidence yet” that our universe is a hologram. The new research could help reconcile one of modern physics’ most enduring problems : the apparent inconsistencies between the different models of the universe as explained by quantum physics and Einstein’s theory […]
Akashic Records Report – Major Events Are About To Unfold
In a recent interview, a woman with access to the Akashic Records stated there will be some major impending changes on our planet, including a change in power and a new currency in the near future.
What Does The Law Of One’s ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression. According to the Law of One: Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets […]
Is Time Travel Possible?
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity says time travel is possible, if you’re going forward in time. But finding a way to travel backwards requires breaking the speed of light. Now strange-but-true phenomena such as quantum nonlocality may make this a reality.
The Three Levels Of Learning Discernment
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Our consciousness is experiencing this lifetime in a holographic matrix, and we are existing on many levels and many places at the same time. Really, the only thing real here is our Source energy consciousness. However, in order to move out of this reality into one that is more […]
It’s Time to Wake Up, Starseeds!
Most Star Seeds that I have met are either professional intuitives, healers, channelers, mediums. This however, does not make Starseeds any more special than other people. I have found through my encounters with other Star Seeds, that while they always have the purist intention to help others, they tend to get a little wrapped up in their own heads, and block others from coming into their space.
Starseed and Royalty Survival: How To Recognize Implants And Tags
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer,In5D.com Many people on the planet are having a more difficult time surviving and staying balanced and centered than others. There are several individual reasons for this; however there are some patterns that are apparent as to why some people are targeted by over others for implants or tags. It […]
16 Signs That You’re A Slave To The Matrix
Not meant to be overtly critical of anyone’s lifestyle choices or personal situation, the following 16 signs that you’re a slave to the matrix are meant purely as an observational approach to helping you identify the areas of your life where you may be missing an opportunity to liberate yourself from someone else’s self-destructive design for your life.
How To Exit The Matrix
The matrix can be defined as the holographic experience of a third dimensional reality we have chosen into in order to learn lessons or to have experiences. Signing up for this experience was a high risk choice with a high reward of moving to a higher spiritual placement in the cosmos. In preparation for exiting from the program, we reincarnated time and time again, however we accumulated karma that sometimes did not get balanced due to the forgetfulness of our goals. In order to exit the matrix, we must become aware of our goals as a spirit having this physical experience, heal the energies tied to the karma, and serve humanity and the planet in order to reach our goal of ascension.
Unity Consciousness
by Paula Wratten We live in strange times, the human race is being bombarded with negative timelines, false flags and ever-increasing catastrophes.On the agenda are financial collapses, pandemics, population control, celebrity worship and a multitude of media stories to add to the fear vibration we already have succumbed too. The disturbing outcome to this programming […]
Has The Archonic Reincarnation Trap Been Dissolved?
Recently we have seen an increase in the passing of many spiritual and metaphysical icons. Dolores Cannon and Masaru Emoto were highly respected with their knowledge of the way things work and passed within days of each other. Is it possible that they knew the time was right for them to be able to leave their bodies in order to escape the Archonic matrix net for good?
Are You A Sleep Warrior?
While we are “awake” we are in a limited consciousness. Our physical body has a reptilian brain which has a constructed veil or barrier between our world and the rest of creation. Is it possible that we could be doing much more than we realize when we are asleep in preparation for the lifting of the veil?
Are All Spirit Guides Of The False Light?
Who am I really calling upon when I ask my “guides and angels” for help? They could be genies (djinns) that pose as angels and helpers from the astral realm, and these types usually want something in return. Recognizing motive and paying attention to your body’s intuition and discernment signals can help you figure out if you are dealing with a being that is benevolent or malevolent.
Awakened Warriors Arise
Life is a struggle. How much more then is the spiritual life, the fight to remain conscious in an illusory world where deviant forces vie for control more than caring, battering your very body and soul day in and day out on top of your struggle to survive .