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Tag: medicine

FREE GUIDE To Edible And Medicinal Plants – Herbal Medicine

FREE GUIDE To Edible And Medicinal Plants – Herbal Medicine

By on December 10, 2016 in Health

Read this free in depth guide to Edible And Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine. In case the energy grid goes down, you might want to consider printing this for your own survival needs.

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Nikola Tesla – Everything Is The Light – Interview With Nikola Tesla From 1899

Nikola Tesla – Everything Is The Light – Interview With Nikola Tesla From 1899

By on November 14, 2015 in Science, Spiritual Awakening

Once, in 1899, Nikola Tesla had an interview with a certain journalist John Smith, when Tesla said “Everything is the Light“. In one of its rays is the fate of nations, each nation has its own ray in that great light source, which we see as the Sun. In this interview this greatest inventor and seer of modern time unravels a new vision of humanity which we, the light warriors of the first and the last hour have created a century later.

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50 Percent of The Effectiveness of All Drugs Is Due To Placebo Effect

50 Percent of The Effectiveness of All Drugs Is Due To Placebo Effect

By on October 8, 2015 in Science

by Marco Torres There’s no doubt that many medications work in the short-term to suppress symptoms. In fact, that’s all they do as they are incapable of addressing the underlying cause of disease. But even when a medication works, half of its impact on a patient is be due to one aspect of the placebo […]

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Health Complaints And Tips For Spiritually Gifted Individuals

Health Complaints And Tips For Spiritually Gifted Individuals

By on May 13, 2015 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever wondered why your body doesn’t seem to respond to supplements, medicines, or even diets the way other people do? Have you ever been baffled by why you developed a certain symptom or illness since the timing or type of ailment doesn’t seem to fit?

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How To Find Your Life Your Calling

How To Find Your Life Your Calling

By on May 4, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Steve Pavlina, How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist. Perhaps you’re a rather nihilistic person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose […]

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History Of The Universe And Our Earth Origins

History Of The Universe And Our Earth Origins

By on March 22, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

Dan Winter explains our alien ancestry dating back to the Anunnaki, the Seraphim, and the Nephilim. Learn about the Alpha Draconians, Andromedans, Nibiru, the Dogon, Orion wars, DNA manipulation and much more!

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Medical Astrology – Medicine By The Stars

Medical Astrology – Medicine By The Stars

By on January 25, 2015 in Astrology, Enlightening Articles

Each zodiac sign has a corresponding cell salt that is deficient under that sign. When you learn about your particular cell salt, you will be well on your way to optimum health!

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