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Tag: meditations

This Is What Happens When You Live In Your Heart

This Is What Happens When You Live In Your Heart

By on October 4, 2017 in Science

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Recent research has indicated that the human heart has its own brain, called neural intelligence.  The energy signals that are transmitted from the heart to the brain is called coherence which, depending on how we feel, can affect us in either a positive or negative manner.  […]

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New Earth News – My Visions Of New Earth

New Earth News – My Visions Of New Earth

By on March 31, 2017 in New Earth News, Spiritual Awakening

Last night, after experiencing more (groan) ascension symptoms of body aches and pains and emotional blockage in my heart chakra, I spent some time in quiet, hot buddies on my body, shiatsu massager on my back, and did some necessary purging.  After that, I felt that I either received downloads (are those still coming??) or activated whatever downloads I had already received.  Either way, I received some insights, and coupled with insights and visions I have had throughout the past 10 years, I was able to put some things together and thus, present to you my visions of new earth, what is going on right now, what is important to focus on and what we can let go of.

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December And End Year 2016 Energies – A Sacred Passage For Transformation

December And End Year 2016 Energies – A Sacred Passage For Transformation

By on December 12, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Our December – January passage of renewal and rebirth is upon us, and the acceleration presents opportunities for profound experiences in our Ascension process.

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The Arcturians – What Does Ascension Mean?

The Arcturians – What Does Ascension Mean?

By on August 5, 2016 in Extraterrestrials

by Sue Lie, Seeing the Unseen, Hearing the Unheard, Feeling the Invisible Ascension is not an action. Ascension is a “state of mind” and “frequency of heart.” The state of mind of ascension is the flow of balancing polarities in your thinking to find the middle road. The frequency of heart is the constant focusing, and […]

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Dolores Cannon One Year Beyond The Veil

Dolores Cannon One Year Beyond The Veil

By on October 18, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

It’s been a whole year since Dolores Cannon died. At the time of her death she and her work were more popular than ever. She was on the brink of releasing her 18th book. She had just completed teaching a series of courses that included the largest live Quantum Healing Hypnosis Level 1 class in history. There were more than 120 people in attendance. It was amazing to be there to witness the packed auditorium and the standing ovation she got just walking down the aisle that first morning. Almost exactly one month after completing those courses, Dolores Cannon passed away, Oct 18th, 2014.

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Out of Body Experience Guided Meditation

Out of Body Experience Guided Meditation

By on October 8, 2015 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

This is an Out of Body Experience guided spiritual meditation to help those wishing to achieve and out of body experience in their home and astral travel to the astral spirit planes to meet spirit guides,  angels and some loved ones if possible. There are many different types of techniques and meditations. Use the ones […]

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1 Hour 432Hz Schumann Resonance Meditation

1 Hour 432Hz Schumann Resonance Meditation

By on April 12, 2015 in Meditation with 0 Comments

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, For this meditation, wear headphones for optimal results!  The Schumann Resonance is a frequency of sound generated between the symbiotic relationship of our planet and the cosmos.  Many regard this frequency as rising in nature and benevolent to spiritual meditations as well as physical healing. The […]

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Are You A Wanderer?

Are You A Wanderer?

By on March 6, 2015 in Indigos with 0 Comments

What is a wanderer? Some wanderers are ETs who have come from elsewhere to planet Earth for this incarnation or at this time. Many other wanderers are earth natives who have matured spiritually to the point of awakening to their metaphysical identity, thereby making the worldly identity less real, and creating the sense of being a stranger in a strange land. Both types of wanderers are in the same situation here on Earth now, in that they often don’t fit in well here, for their inner universe has shifted, and the “real” world for them has shifted from the earthly world to the aesthetic and ethical innerness of the metaphysical world.

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How Important Spiritual Awakening Is For Your Relationship

How Important Spiritual Awakening Is For Your Relationship

By on January 30, 2010 in Health, Twin Flames

Have you currently had a strained relationship? If you have, have you ever found it is becoming more and more complicated with each passing day? If you also have, perhaps you as well as your partner need something called ‘spiritual awakening’. What can you do with it? How to submit yourself to this ‘spiritual awakening’? Will it help revive the old fire of your relationship?

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