Tag: metaphysical abilities

How To Develop Psychic Abilities!
Many people have innate abilities that they were born with, such as the ability to have out of body experiences and psychic abilities. In this article, we’ll discuss ways to develop these abilities in which you should start seeing immediate results within your first week.

How To Deprogram Yourself
Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott: Lion’s Gate Energies Ep. #6
In this episode of In5D Facebook Live, Gregg Prescott talks about the Lion’s Gate energies, an upcoming event (Weekend of Bliss, Rejuvenation, Meditations, And Harmonic Convergence), angels & guides, metaphysical abilities, The 4400, Ho’oponopono, and much more!

Recalibration & DNA Upgrade In Preparation Of The New Moon
by Tiffany Stiles, Dear Beautiful Souls! Today appetites will be null as the body detoxes and continues to clear. All goes offline and back online as this recalibration occurs. The body physically will be achy today as further clearing occurs through the heart, throat and sacral chakras. The palpitations and flutters in these chakras makes […]

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening
We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum. Every day, we receive confirmation that we are on the right path. Little synchrocities may pop up or perhaps a white feather will slowly fall from the sky and land at your feet. These aren’t mere coincidences as EVERYTHING has a meaning and a purpose!

5 Cosmic Crystals For Starseeds
Do you ever feel like the entire earth might as well be a foreign country to you? Perhaps your soul journey did not originate here, but on another planet instead. A Starseed is an advanced soul who has had incarnations in other galaxies and solar systems, and on other planets. If you are wondering if you might be a Starseed, here’s a list of some of the most common Starseed attributes.

Can Dramatic Climate Changes Throughout Our Solar System Trigger Spontaneous Evolution?
Dramatic climate changes can be attributed to events such as our entire solar system entering the Photon Belt, but can these cosmic activities trigger spontaneous evolution within our DNA and RNA?

In5D Radio – Sharry Edwards – The Truth Behind Sound And Healing Episode 30
On Monday, June 9, 2014, In5D Radio hosts Gregg Prescott and psychic/medium Sherrie Elisse interviewed Sharry Edwards, who told us the TRUTH behind sound frequencies and healing. Some of the many topics we covered included how sound affects chemtrails, aspartame, metaphysical abilities, past life experiences, farsighted or nearsighted vision, pain management, substance abuse, animals, baldness, high pitched frequencies and much more!