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Tag: Michael Tellinger

Metatron’s Lesson: Love Versus Fear And Ascension

Metatron’s Lesson: Love Versus Fear And Ascension

By on November 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The Unites States has just endured one of most polarizing elections in modern history. The reverberations from this election are likely far from over. And just like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, duality, in all of its fading 3D glory, is raising its young head and begging for attention.

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Giants Roamed The Earth Millions Of Years Ago

Giants Roamed The Earth Millions Of Years Ago

By on December 25, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

On the earth there once were giants.” Greek poet Homer wrote in 400 B.C.

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The Future Of Community Living

The Future Of Community Living

By on May 20, 2015 in Awareness, Health

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, In the late 60’s and early 70’s, hippie communes and campgrounds were a place of peace and love. Government camping regulations now disallow this kind of living on public lands. Communal living is discouraged from society to the point of zoning and utility restrictions that define usage of […]

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This Is How Humans Are Energy Conductors For The Anunnaki

This Is How Humans Are Energy Conductors For The Anunnaki

By on May 15, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, In the recent Global Energy Breakthrough Conference in Boulder, Colorado, Michael Tellinger shared his theory that sound is one of the most abundant forms of free energy on the planet. He said that sound is the primordial source of all things and is the common denominator of all creation. […]

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200 Million Year Old Giant Foot Print Found In South Africa

200 Million Year Old Giant Foot Print Found In South Africa

By on April 13, 2015 in Science with 0 Comments

Michael Tellinger shows off what could be one of the best pieces of evidence that there were giants on Earth a long, long time ago. Geologists have marveled at this giant foot print in rough granite, about 4 feet long. Some still say that it is a natural erosion pattern.

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Zeitgeist, Zeitgeist Addendum and Zeitgeist Moving Forward

Zeitgeist, Zeitgeist Addendum and Zeitgeist Moving Forward

By on February 21, 2015 in Awareness

preface by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, If you haven’t seen these videos, then you’re in for a treat. Similar to Esoteric Agenda, the Zeitgeist series will open your mind and expand your consciousness! EVERYONE can live in abundance and prosperity without being a slave to the system. The banks and corporations […]

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Michael Tellinger – UBUNTU- A World Without Money

Michael Tellinger – UBUNTU- A World Without Money

By on January 10, 2015 in Awareness

UBUNTU is based on the principle of everyone working 3 hours per week in their community. That’s all! This is a VERY feasible movement that I hope everyone looks in to.

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