Tag: monad

Lisa Renee – Timelines Shift And Collapsing 3D Timelines
The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave.

Ascension Stages Initiation, Absorption And Integration
Inner Sustainability is Integrated Spiritual Ascension and is the ultimate energetic sustainability when we self source from within our Soul and Monad connection, our personal spiritual source field connected directly with God. As we progressively undergo Expanding Consciousness through the activation of internal Kundalini energies traveling up the spinal column and into our Chakra system, we end consumptive modeling and vampirism of other people’s energies.

Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know
As a person climbs the ladder of spiritual progression in this lifetime, there are particular terms that describe various stages of development. In order to maximize the opportunity of this lifetime, there are at least thirty important spiritual terms you should become familiar with. All of these terms are part of the reason we incarnated and mastering the meaning of each of these is likened to initiation. When you master the initiations you prove that you are ready to move to the next experience.

Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose, and Relationships
by Verna Maruata, Twin Flames are two halves of a single unit. We all have a Twin Flame. God created us with the purpose that we would move away from the point of creation, to learn and grow and evolve into our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfected Beings. At this initial […]