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Tag: multidimensional reality

A Galactic Tidal Wave Of Divine Light Is Descending Upon Earth

A Galactic Tidal Wave Of Divine Light Is Descending Upon Earth

By on May 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A galactic tidal wave of divine light is descending upon earth, raising the frequency. The old reality is ending. We will experience a dynamic re-calibration of electromagnetic fields into Earth on a global scale. Which will trigger a radical shift in consciousness.

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Cosmic School: 17 Things We Could Be Learning

Cosmic School: 17 Things We Could Be Learning

By on September 3, 2014 in Awareness with 0 Comments

Have you ever had dreams of being in school? Some people recall classroom settings in their dreams which may indicate that a multidimensional aspect of themselves is learning more about our cosmic existence. Many people recall the actual cosmic syllabus taught by beings of other dimensions, and many of those people are our starseed children.

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