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Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

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Tag: orion’s belt

Old Souls Unite! 16 Amazing Ways To Tell If You Are An Old Soul

Old Souls Unite! 16 Amazing Ways To Tell If You Are An Old Soul

How can you tell if you are an old soul? Are there differences in traits or behaviors? What signs can I look for that can help me differentiate the difference? The word “old” is only relative to time. Because time is linear and our souls are eternal, 10,000 years would be the blink of an eye. Dolores Cannon believes that we need to incarnate many, many times as inanimate objects, plants and animals before we can become human. Then, as humans, we still need to incarnate many, many times to learn all of the lessons we came here for.

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20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School!

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School!

By on October 28, 2018 in Awareness with 119 Comments

In school, we were never taught these 20 history questions, nor did we receive the answers to any of these questions.

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Dogon Legend Of The Nommos Fish People

Dogon Legend Of The Nommos Fish People

By on January 13, 2017 in Extraterrestrials, Prophecy with 0 Comments

The Dogon tells the legend of the Nommos, awful-looking beings who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder.

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Bill Donahue – Astrology In The Bible

Bill Donahue – Astrology In The Bible

By on May 13, 2015 in Astrology with 0 Comments

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Bill Donahue completely outlines how astrology is not only the basis for the Christian bible, but for all religions. The following are examples from Bill Donahue: Luke 22:10  Jesus talks about where we may meet with him in order to take part of the Passover supper: […]

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Anunnaki – Are Malevolent Extraterrestrials Controlling This Planet?

Anunnaki – Are Malevolent Extraterrestrials Controlling This Planet?

By on April 28, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

In a world where everything is upside down and backwards, one must ask if malevolent Anunnaki extraterrestrials are controlling this planet? Most people are content being economic slaves to a broken system of fiat currency and have no idea about who they are and what their true, divine purpose for being here is.

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The Connection Between The Pyramids And Orion’s Belt

The Connection Between The Pyramids And Orion’s Belt

By on March 23, 2015 in Science

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and Nassim Haramein present extensive evidence against the history we have been taught and what those in power don’t want you to know about. At some point in the very near future, our school textbooks will need to be rewritten in truth […]

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