Tag: paradigm
5 Signs We Are Ready for a Paradigm Shift
We are thrust into a life where we’re told to act within the existing limits of normality. Don’t question authority, live within the two gender models, pay for your education to work a unsatisfactory job, don’t freak out about the fact we are so disconnected from the earth, and from each other.
Astrology of 2017 – A Brave New World
Astrology of 2017 – A Brave New World – Astrologically 2017 will be a positive and progressive year. For most of us, 2017 will be a better year than 2016. 2017 will be marked by the Jupiter Uranus opposition, which will bring excitement and hope, and in the same time will ask us to let go of the past to move toward a brighter tomorrow.
The Strength of Kindness
by Hypatia, Contributing Writer,In5D.com There are many things being exposed, old wounds reopened and more and more realizing that all they say and do in the media, entertainment, government and banking system is not what it seems. We have been living in Bizarroland where we ignore our elderly and sick, drug and poison ourselves as […]
The Three Aspects Of Master Manifestation
by Inelia Benz, In 2006 something radical changed in the human collective consciousness. This radical thing was that the word, and concept, of “manifestation” became known and “normal” in Western culture. The reason was the book and movie “The Secret”, by Rhonda Byrne, which became an overnight sensation. Millions of people started doing the “manifestation […]
The Veil Of Deception Is Lifting Around Us
via whathowhy.info The dark and evil veil (veil anagram is evil) that has been in control of our planet and humanity for billions of years since the fall from grace. From Lemuria to Atlantis and to present times – the veil is being lifted. This hidden veil, this unknown truth, collective amnesia and “control” of […]