Tag: paranormal
What Is Causing The Strange Trumpet Sounds In The Sky All Over The World?
by Michael Snyder, All over the globe, people are recording extremely loud sounds coming from the sky. In many instances, these ominous noises sound like someone is blowing a trumpet. So what are we supposed to make of these “apocalyptic” sounds? Should we be concerned? Well, what we do know is that this is truly […]
Stonehenge Attracts UFO And Crop Circle
by Paul Seaburn, MysteriousUniverse This year’s summer solstice appears to have stirred things up paranormally around everyone’s favorite Neolithic monument – Stonehenge. A black UFO was photographed over the monument and a new crop circle was spotted near it. Are they related? Details about the UFO photograph are sketchy. The photograph was submitted to a […]
Can Parallel Universes Explain The Déjà Vu Phenomenon?
Have you ever had a déjà vu experience? It’s the feeling, or impression that you have already witnessed or experienced a current situation.