Tag: program

What Is The Matrix And How Do We Exit From It?
What is important right now is shifting our focus to what we want to create and and remembering how to use the power the we have as a soul incarnated into a physical human Earth vessel.

The Ascension Study Guide And Personal Ascension Program
Although dates have changed, the essence of this Ascension Study Guide is still accurate in my opinion. I highly recommend the study of this guide for the confirmation of what you are doing daily to prepare for ascension as well as the understanding of the Law of One, angels and archangels, clearing your energy field, and why it is so important at this time.

Dr Richard Alan Miller – The False Light Reincarnation System, Nibiru, Reprogramming Your Brain, And More!
Dr Richard Alan Miller talks about Nibiru, consciousness, the false light reincarnation system, Avatar II, false flags, the black box in our brains, working with “The Boys from Brazil” in his early days with Navy Intel, why he quit the service, his visit to the Secret Nazi underground submarine base in Antarctica, the coming dramatic Earth changes, and his work with the President of Mexico teaching thousands of schoolchildren to grow organic food.

Can You Program Your DNA For Immortality?
Every day we hear about the rising rates of illness and young people dying from diseases that used to be only for the old. At the same time, we read about the possibility of real immortality. Considering aging often means illness, hardship and pain, we come to the conclusion that we have had enough of life, or at least, this kind of life.