In5D Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

Esoteric Metaphysical Spiritual Database

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Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?

Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?

By on January 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Okay loves. We had a huge blast of PURE SOURCE LIGHT earlier (not the biggest we’ve ever experienced, yet powerful non-the-less. Seems this huge upgrade lasted 3 days thus far. Anytime we have PURE SOURCE LIGHT it activates dualistic human’s stuff to trigger to come up. There have been reports lately of many going through deep Atlantean cleansings, well…… here comes a huge one…

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Energy Update – Physical Body Upgrades, OverSoul Embodiment & Higher Light Code Processes

Energy Update – Physical Body Upgrades, OverSoul Embodiment & Higher Light Code Processes

By on December 12, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Do YOU Allow Yourself to Fully BE Love, To Fully Fully Fully Experience the Purity of Higher Existence Love? Physical Body Upgrades, OverSoul Embodiment & Higher Light Code Embedding Processes… DO YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO FULLY BE LOVE, TO FULLY FULLY FULLY EXPERIENCE THE PURITY OF HIGHER EXISTENCE LOVE? The profoundness, the […]

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Energy StarGate Update – Ready For MORE Multi-Dimensional Access, Powers, And Gifts

Energy StarGate Update – Ready For MORE Multi-Dimensional Access, Powers, And Gifts

By on December 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Lisa Brown, Yesterday, cosmically/energetically…. all came to a halt…. slowing down to zero point for “reverse field spin” to kick in when our StarGates fully activate sometime around 12/12. In this space it can be beautiful, yet for human’s this creates a void space that will fill with more light consciousness love when we […]

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