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Tag: purpose

What Is My Role Or Purpose In This Spiritual Awakening?

What Is My Role Or Purpose In This Spiritual Awakening?

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, What is my role and why am I here? Many people often wonder what role they should be playing during this spiritual awakening while others ponder their purpose during their present incarnation. Before you incarnated here Before you decided to incarnate here, you were connected to […]

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The Origin, Purpose, And Destiny Of The Earth Game

The Origin, Purpose, And Destiny Of The Earth Game

By on November 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jeff Street, Contributing Writer, Understanding the origin, purpose, and true nature of the earthly reality that you are experiencing can be instrumental to transcending your current level of consciousness and moving up to the next level of the game.  For some, this information might be a bit overwhelming or hard to believe but it […]

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Native American Animal Symbols Of The Zodiac

Native American Animal Symbols Of The Zodiac

By on August 22, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

What is YOUR Native American animal symbol?

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Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest

Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest

By on June 27, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Edward Morgan, PrepareForChange “Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. […]

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I Have Just Spiritually Awakened… Now What?

I Have Just Spiritually Awakened… Now What?

By on January 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve taken that first step of spiritual awakening in your life. For many of us, it was a specific event such as 9/11 or the end of the Mayan calendar that brought us to where we are now.

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Return To Source – Philosophy And The Matrix

Return To Source – Philosophy And The Matrix

By on November 1, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix

This fascinating documentary is about the film The Matrix and its relationship to philosophy and philosophical themes. The discussion is broad and explains how masterfully and seamlessly the movie touches on everything from Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Nietzsche, Baudrillard, Borges, Nozick, LaPlace, Hume, Schopenhauer to religion, meaning, purpose, causality, free will, consciousness, love, intuition, […]

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Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your Purpose Will Find You

By on August 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We become what we think about all day long.  What thoughts do you have that inhibit you from feeling as if you’re on purpose in your life? For instance, if you think that you’re separate from your pur­pose and that you’re drifting without direction through your life, then that’s precisely what you’ll attract.

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Everyone Chooses A Life Theme Before Incarnating. Which Did YOU Choose?

Everyone Chooses A Life Theme Before Incarnating. Which Did YOU Choose?

By on March 17, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I could identify with many of these themes and wonder if that is a sign of being an old soul? Ultimately, I could boil them all down to 2 or 3 themes, although I’m still not sure which one I’m on and wonder if it’s possible to have more than one in any given particular incarnation.

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