Tag: quantum dimensions

Cosmic Dissonance Symptoms And Solutions
Cosmic dissonance can be experienced as we transition between dimensions. There can be no illusions, on the world stage, in our own lives or in our hearts and minds. Transparency is authenticity. It takes time for our mind body soul system to catch up with itself in these high winds of cosmic shifts. Time for us to change habits, people and places to achieve greater alignment in our chakra system. This lag is where most of us are, whatever stage we are at in the unplugging, upgrade process, we are all raising our vibrations.

7 Ways To Communicate To Our Multi-Dimensional Soul Tribe
As we travel this time space continuum we call life, we are not alone. We are connected as beings of frequencies, to a multi verse of quantum dimensions. We are also connected to our soul tribe and that greater part of us, our higher self.