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Tag: quantum mechanics

A Technological Quantum Leap Is Coming!

A Technological Quantum Leap Is Coming!

By on November 25, 2016 in Science with 0 Comments

The computing revolution has bestowed upon its pioneers, considerable abundance. They saw the coming tech boom, and found clever ways to monetize it. The quantum computing revolution is about to unfold. The advances made by silicon based computing will utterly pale in comparison to the windfall of knowledge to be gained through the use of quantum computing. A golden opportunity awaits those who are on the bleeding edge of co-creation. We can only begin to fathom how profoundly life on earth will change over the next few decades.

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STUDY: Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe

STUDY: Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe

By on September 3, 2015 in Science

by Nikodem Poplawski, Our universe may exist inside a black hole. This may sound strange, but it could actually be the best explanation of how the universe began, and what we observe today. It’s a theory that has been explored over the past few decades by a small group of physicists including myself. Successful as […]

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Physicists Prove Surprising Rule Of Threes

Physicists Prove Surprising Rule Of Threes

By on May 9, 2015 in Science

Efimov trimers are states of matter that theoretically come in an infinite range of sizes. Experimentalists recently observed consecutive trimers, verifying the strange theory. Illustration: Harald Ritsch/IQOQI by Natalie Wolchover   More than 40 years after a Soviet nuclear physicist proposed an outlandish theory that trios of particles can arrange themselves in an infinite nesting-doll […]

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10 Mind-Bending Implications Of The Many Worlds Theory

10 Mind-Bending Implications Of The Many Worlds Theory

By on April 30, 2015 in Science with 0 Comments

In quantum physics—the scientific study of the nature of physical reality—there is plenty of room for interpretation within the realm of what is known.

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There Is No Such Thing As Time – Never Was And Never Will Be

There Is No Such Thing As Time – Never Was And Never Will Be

By on March 25, 2015 in Science

by Josh Richardson Everything exists in the present moment and it’s a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as […]

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5 Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Showing That Reality Is An Illusion

5 Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Showing That Reality Is An Illusion

By on February 24, 2015 in Science with 0 Comments

Is this reality an illusion? Are we living inside a matrix? The following article provides ‘food for thought’ about the reality we THINK we are experiencing, but it’s an illusion!

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Parallel Universes Exist and Interact With One Another

Parallel Universes Exist and Interact With One Another

By on January 15, 2015 in Science

by Ellie Zolfagharifard Imagine a world where dinosaurs hadn’t become extinct, Germany had won World War II and you were born in an entirely different country. These worlds could exist today in parallel universes, which constantly interact with each other, according to a group of US and Australian researchers. It may sound like science fiction, […]

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