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Tag: raise our vibrations

5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love

5 Steps To Shift From Fear To Love

By on May 13, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, not linear.

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33 Symptoms Of Cosmic Upgrades Triggered By Solar Eclipse Gateway

33 Symptoms Of Cosmic Upgrades Triggered By Solar Eclipse Gateway

By on August 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The opening of the Lions Gate portal on 8.8.17, accelerated by the powerful ascended masters energy of 888, brought us and Gaia into alignment, preparing us for a major timeline shift.

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7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul

7 Ways To Increase Flow Of Energy Through Our Mind, Body, And Soul

By on June 15, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

How do we consciously raise our vibrations in this hostile environment? Switch on our energetic systems, embrace activation codes, cosmic upgrades. Download, upload, upgrade and evolve?

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How To Use Telepathy From A 5D Perspective

How To Use Telepathy From A 5D Perspective

By on April 19, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

I want to tell you a story that affects us all, and is a roadmap to the higher realms, and what is called Ascension. My name is Fred, and in the late 1970’s I had a relationship with a girl that was magical yet was also tumultuous and chaotic at times

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Navigating New Dimensions And Timelines

Navigating New Dimensions And Timelines

By on March 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Something strange has been happening, and if you have noticed this, you have been experiencing a REAL PHYSICAL, dimensional re-alignment. The last couple of months have been really challenging.

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Embrace Your Pain To Raise Your Vibration

Embrace Your Pain To Raise Your Vibration

By on August 11, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you are a follower of the Law of Attraction, you probably already understand that the key to getting what you want is through feeling happy and joyous. However, understanding the Law of Attraction often comes at a cost when it comes to dealing with negative emotions, especially pain.

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