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Tag: ripple effect

An Explanation Of The Space-Time Vortex Around Earth

An Explanation Of The Space-Time Vortex Around Earth

By on May 30, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

Einstein’s theory about a space-time vortex surrounding planet Earth is something that NASA has been working on that I would like to explain.

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10 Points On The Ripple Effects Of Your Healing

10 Points On The Ripple Effects Of Your Healing

By on June 9, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Did you know that when healing support is received & assimilated in your energetic field, a ripple effect is created?

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Are You Receiving Galactic Credits?

Are You Receiving Galactic Credits?

By on March 6, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Galactic Credits are for the lightworkers who unselfishly do good deeds for others that go unnoticed. For example, you might meditate daily for world peace or do some random act of kindness for someone else. While these good deeds may not come back to you in this lifetime, rest assured that you are receiving “Galactic Credits”.

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What Is My Role And How Do I Prepare For The Ripple Effect?

What Is My Role And How Do I Prepare For The Ripple Effect?

By on October 30, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening

by Max and Lana, Guest writers, Have you ever thrown a giant rock into the water and watched it create a big splash—which quickly faded out? But what happened when you threw smaller stones into different areas of the pond? You created ripples that created more ripples that lasted for a very long time. […]

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Top 10 Time Travel Movies Of All “Time”

Top 10 Time Travel Movies Of All “Time”

By on September 30, 2015 in Science

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, From quantum physics professors to philosophers, time travel has been a highly debated topic since the inception of time. Is it possible to travel through time and if so, what would happen if you saw yourself? Would the ripple effect come into play if you somehow […]

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Tear Jerker: Think About This Today… And Every Day Of Your Life

Tear Jerker: Think About This Today… And Every Day Of Your Life

By on September 6, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, You never know what kind of ripple effect will happen when you do something nice out of the kindness of your heart. The following inspirational video has over 11 million views because the message is one of hope, compassion, and love for humanity. Despite the fear […]

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September 2015 – Deception, False Light and Our Collective Evolution

September 2015 – Deception, False Light and Our Collective Evolution

By on August 26, 2015 in Awareness

by Simon Vorster, RaisingVibrations  There is much speculation and anticipation about September 2015. Many of us have been researching and trying to understand the potential outcomes of events such as the coming Blood Moon tetrad, the reactivation of CERN, the UN Genreal Assembly and Operation Jade Helm 15, while others are predicting everything from false flags to the realization of […]

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How To Change Timelines RIGHT NOW Through The Ripple Effect

How To Change Timelines RIGHT NOW Through The Ripple Effect

By on March 23, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you could go back in time, any choices you make outside of what already occurred in the past would have a ripple effect on future events. What if you didn’t realize you were already time traveling? What if your dreams played as important of a role as your waking life?

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