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Tag: Rockefeller

This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity

This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity

By on November 22, 2017 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

To those who are religious, this story may rock your boat. According to Morning Sky, the Sirians are responsible for all religions in order to control man. The Anunnaki’s Enlilappointed himself as God of this planet, despite his brother Ea (as in EArth) and sister being responsible for the genetic creation of mankind. Enlil is the same “god” that is in the Old Testament of the bible. If you appease Enlil (or follow god’s commandments) you will be “rewarded” with your place in “heaven”. The problem is, you will continue reincarnating as a slave and as you have done many times beforehand, and your memory will be erased from all previous lifetimes.

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Rockefeller, London, And Cosmic Evolution

Rockefeller, London, And Cosmic Evolution

By on March 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Ding dong the witch is dead and the internet is buzzing with rumors and revelations. The death of David Rockefeller, head of the 13 families of the cabal, is a marker heralding the end of their long campaign of control. Then we see panic on the streets of London. Terrorist attack […]

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COBRA – Terms Of Surrender For The Cabal

COBRA – Terms Of Surrender For The Cabal

By on July 16, 2016 in Awareness

by Cobra, There are Cabal surrender negotiations taking place behind the scenes, and the general population has a right to know what is going on and to communicate their perspective. So here I am putting the terms of surrender for public review and discussion. The Rockefeller faction will most likely fight until their bitter end, […]

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Sungazing Myths Exposed

Sungazing Myths Exposed

By on June 1, 2015 in Awareness, Enlightening Articles, Health

by Andrew Fisher guest writer for We’ve all been told by parents, teachers, doctors, and mainstream scientists that we will go blind if we look at the sun. Well folks, we have been suckered, and I am a living example! The act of sungazing, or literally looking at the sun, is one of the […]

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What Does The Law Of One’s ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?

What Does The Law Of One’s ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?

By on April 1, 2015 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression. According to the Law of One: Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets […]

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