Tag: Roman Catholic Church

Building a Better Future: Embracing What the World Needs RIGHT NOW!
All new ideas will immediately become open source where if someone else has a better way or a modification of what you invented or created, then that idea is free for anyone to use, implement or recreate into something better.

Esoteric Meaning Of Christmas And The Winter Solstice
While people argue over ethnic sensitivity issues between saying “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays”, the truth dates back much further than its Christian beginnings. The intent of Christmas seems to be the overriding value behind its true, esoteric meaning or its Pagan origin. A symbol or celebration is only as powerful as the intent behind it. While Christmas has become the biggest holiday that supports the corporate world which in turn, lobbies against our civil rights, it also is a time of giving and being with family.

8 Reptilian Traits In Human Beings
The following are reptilian traits in human beings. You may recognize a few of them in you or someone you know. Please keep in mind that these are simply TRAITS and being part Reptilian DOES NOT make you a bad person as there are good and bad people of all galactic (and planetary) races.

What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
There is a war going on right now and it doesn’t involve guns or the military industrial complex. It’s a war on consciousness and most people are clueless that it even exists.

The Art of Word Magic And Its Connection To Freedom And Christmas
In the late 1700s, freedom was a very important and popular topic on people’s minds, especially on the minds of the people living in the 13 colonies, known today as the east coast states of the United States. Today that passion of freedom is burning strong again, causing many people to be interested in freedom.

22 Questions: Are You Awake?
Are you awake? We’ve been taught to assume the truth about everything presented to us without questioning the origin of the initial facts. For example, in the United States, we were taught that the attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into WW2, yet were not taught how many United States companies profited from funding both sides of the war, nor were we taught how George W. Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, personally helped to fund both sides of WW2. Had we been taught this in school, would either George H. or George W. Bush have become president? I doubt it, but that’s how propaganda has affected us as a global civilization.

What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything. While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin […]

Pluto In Scorpio Generation Born Between 1984-1995
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com If you were born between 1984 through 1995 or have a child born between these years or simply know someone that was born during this period, then you will find this article most fascinating. People born during this time frame were born with Pluto in Scorpio. […]

Astrophysicist – Extraterrestrials Have Visited Earth But They Think We Lack Intelligence
Is it possible that extraterrestrials have visited the Earth but deliberately refrain from making contact with humanity because we are too stupid?

Are You Ready To Go Home To 5D Earth?
Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression. This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality. Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.

It’s All Collapsing, Right On Schedule!
Several HUGE stories surfaced that show a definite change in the direction of society, despite the mainstream media’s perpetual monopoly on fear campaigns.

Beyond The Fear Of Living Without Money
Living without money is an issue that many are concerned about but not many people are talking about solutions. Many of us already live in either poverty or near poverty levels. Is the answer found in government assistance and the material world or is it found in going beyond this ego-centered, materialistic world and finding a new way of living?

Religion Gives Us the World’s Largest Mental Disorder – Religithexia
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com It is estimated that 80% of the world is religious, which equates to approximately 5.6 billion people who are affected with Religithexia. In psychology, the term “Mental Retardation” was changed to “Learning Disabled”. Perhaps the term, “Religitard” might be too harsh for someone who hangs on […]

How The Controllers Use Religion, Money, Politics And Education To Enslave Our Souls
This article is my most controversial article because it contains “forbidden knowledge” and evidence proving that the Controllers have infiltrated and distorted most systems of the world, including the religious, political, educational, and financial system. If you do not believe that there are people who want to control everything that you do and think, read this mind boggling article (contains visual proof) and then ask yourself why are they deceiving you.

Astrology And The Matrix
There is a HUGE difference between the astrology horoscopes that you read in the newspaper versus REAL astrology. Your daily horoscope is a generalization of cumulative energies offered to a wide scope of people during their birth sign. Often, they have nothing to do with astrology and are more entertaining than scientific. Real astrology shows us how the cycles of time repeat themselves and what to expect when these cycle reappear.