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Tag: selenite

7 Brilliant Ways To Work With Citrine

7 Brilliant Ways To Work With Citrine

By on April 9, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I have a confession to make. I have been having a love affair with Citrine for almost two decades now, and we are very happy together. Holding one is like touching the sun itself. Its energy is like crystallized sunbeams that vitalize your cells, outlook, energy, and entire being. Citrine can burn through clouds of negative energy, thoughts, and emotions like a laser, clearing the way for your soul to shine through.

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How To Defend Yourself Against Astral Energies

How To Defend Yourself Against Astral Energies

By on July 27, 2015 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix

I have been inundated lately with reported cases of demonic attacks, psychic vampirism, hallucinations, etc. As a holistic life coach, I have been working with people to explain what is happening and why, as well as what we can do about it. This video touches on who and what is attacking, the reasons why you or your loved one is being targeted, and what you can do.

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The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite

By on February 8, 2015 in Meditation

If you are looking for one of the most versatile metaphysical stones that can help you cleanse your aura, clear all energy blockages, bring 5th dimensional energy into a 3rd dimensional matter and MUCH more, then selenite is for you! Selenite is an element of creation. Intensifying the light frequency, the resurgence of Selenite enhances […]

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Cutting Energetic Cords- How To Maximize Your Energy Flow

Cutting Energetic Cords- How To Maximize Your Energy Flow

By on November 19, 2013 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you recently experienced a feeling in your gut like a child feels while waiting to open Christmas presents? What is it and why does it come and go?

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