Tag: snake

Anunnaki Message? The Crop Circle Ea Enki, Nibiru and Marduk
Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In5D.com A crop circle was encoded to reveal a message of Ea Enki, who is a God of Sumerian (Enki) and Babylonian (Ea) mythology. A band of southern constellations refer to his name, the stars of Ea. E-A, in Sumerian, means ‘the house of water’ which can also be […]

The Snake and The Divine Feminine Connection
by Morgana Starr, Psychic-Medium Contributing Writer,In5D.com Don’t judge a book by its cover, nor should you judge an animal by its popular reputation. It is no coincidence that the biggest villain in the Bible is a snake, or that St. Patrick is reputed to have driven them out of Ireland. The snake represents the Feminine […]