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Tag: Solstice energy

Energy Update – Old ‘Stuff’ Coming Through From Others – Owning Our New Empowerment

Energy Update – Old ‘Stuff’ Coming Through From Others – Owning Our New Empowerment

By on December 27, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Contributing Writer, In the last two days there has been many astral energy ‘attacks’ on souls, with others from past family connections (as in past of where we are at) that/who are releasing and not dealing with what is coming up and going on for them. By way of ‘projecting’ what is coming […]

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ENERGY UPDATE – Re-Birthing Of Our Soul and Spirit

ENERGY UPDATE – Re-Birthing Of Our Soul and Spirit

By on December 23, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Contributing Writer, Can you feel something has changed? This change came on December 21st, 2016 with the Solstice energy. A very new Re-birthing of our Soul and our Spirit in a new and unprecedented way has occurred. Many are feeling this and are excited – as it is very exciting! I can confirm […]

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