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Tag: spiritual

Fasting And Meditation

Fasting And Meditation

By on February 3, 2024 in Health, Meditation with 0 Comments

In today’s busy world, where things can get pretty hectic, some folks are finding comfort in two ancient practices: fasting and meditation. Fasting means taking a break from eating for a while, and meditation is about calming your mind and looking inward. These practices have been around for ages, and now people are turning to them for a holistic approach to feeling better. Combining fasting and meditation seems to be a powerful combo, not just for your body but also for your mind and spirit. Let’s explore how taking a break from food and practicing mindfulness can make a positive impact on your overall well-being.

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By on September 19, 2022 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening

Why do introverts tend to be highly spiritual? Society dictates that we follow specific personality types projected by the main stream media, so why do introverts tend to rebel from these stereotypes?

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Your Goal In Life Is Not To Be Happy

Your Goal In Life Is Not To Be Happy

By on May 5, 2022 in Spiritual Awakening

The biggest hurdles, in a spiritual journey, are the ones we learn the most from (EXPERIENCES!!!) That’s what life’s all about, that’s why we’re HERE! The good, the bad, the ugly are all experiences that we’ll bring back to Source.

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So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends

So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends

After experiencing your spiritual awakening, did you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately?  Is it sometimes difficult or awkward to talk to others about spiritual awakening topics? 

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Near Death Experiences: ALL You Need To Know!

Near Death Experiences: ALL You Need To Know!

By on March 16, 2022 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

There is a spiritual awakening going on right now in mass proportions and is growing exponentially. By the end of this near death experience (NDE) video, you’ll have no doubts about our true, divine reason for being here. You’ll feel uplifted and re-energized! Please share this with others!

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Spirituality Quotes From Psychologist Carl Jung

Spirituality Quotes From Psychologist Carl Jung

By on October 3, 2019 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Many people are aware of Carl Jung’s contributions to the world of psychology but did you know about his contributions to the world of spirituality?

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17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

By on June 10, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum.  People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream.  In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to grow spiritually.

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11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

11 Reasons To Meditate Daily

By on June 9, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Here’s a short list of the benefits that come from a daily meditation practice.

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The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga

The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga

By on June 7, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga – YOGA: to join together as in the yoke that joins two ox together to pull a wagon; union; the joining of the physical and spiritual aspects of our being.

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A New Vibration For Humanity

A New Vibration For Humanity

By on June 6, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As you ascend from the third dimension to higher dimensions of being, different aspects of your spiritual body are being activated. You become more aware of your spiritual nature and gain a new perspective of your journey. Your are more present in your Source connection and remove the veil between the spiritual and material worlds, with access to new possibilities for your reality.

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70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Upcoming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity

70 Year Old Prophecy Is Happening – Rare Upcoming Opportunity With Incoming Cosmic Waves Of Electricity

By on October 31, 2018 in Enlightening Articles, Prophecy with 0 Comments

The following is the 70 year old prophecy of Peter Deunov, which regards the end of our civilization as we know it and the beginning of the Golden Age on Earth.

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All About Empathy and Empaths

All About Empathy and Empaths

Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one’s empath capacity. Empaths have the ability to scan another’s psyche for thoughts and feelings or for past, present, and future life occurrences. Many empaths are unaware of how this actually works, and have long accepted that they were sensitive1 to others.

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How To Deprogram Yourself

How To Deprogram Yourself

Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

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Carl Jung – The Man Who Coined The Word ‘Synchronicity’

Carl Jung – The Man Who Coined The Word ‘Synchronicity’

By on January 23, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you ever experienced an 11:11 synchronicity? Psychologist Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity, which many of us use on a daily or weekly basis.

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5D Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?

5D Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?

By on December 19, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In spiritual and metaphysical conversations, many people are talking about 5d Earth and whether people will get left behind or not.  This speculation has caused great controversy among many people within these fields and this article will most likely continue the speculation.

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