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Tag: subconscious mind

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

By on February 12, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Welcome to the world of dreams, where the mind takes flight and the imagination runs wild. This mysterious realm is filled with endless possibilities, and holds within its depths secrets waiting to be unlocked. As we delve deeper into the world of sleep, we uncover a wealth of astonishing facts about the dream state, from […]

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All About 11:11

All About 11:11

By on November 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, What is the meaning of 11 11? There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in particular, the number and the meaning behind 11:11.  From teenagers to senior citizens, these synchronistic numbers seem to appear on […]

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5th Dimensional Consciousness – Intentions for Your New Timeline

5th Dimensional Consciousness – Intentions for Your New Timeline

By on February 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

And so Here we ARE, say these Intentions powerfully through your heart, know them as WHAT lives deep within you that is waiting to join with you. The truth of your Heart. Your True HIGHER Self. Your Ascended Self. The ONE that knows that LOVE is the ONLY Way. The ONLY thing that is eternal. That is the YOU that is the Glory and JOY and Abundance that YOU have always desired.

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Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?

Now That I Have My Crystals, What Do I Do With Them?

Below is a list of possible ways you could go about choosing a crystaland what to do once you’ve bought it. Remember, just because a crystal is beautiful, and the nicest one of a bunch, doesn’t mean that it is the best crystal for you. It is more important to be receptive and allow yourself to be drawn to a stone that will have meaning for you.

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Top 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

Top 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

The following are the Top 40 dream symbols and their metaphysical meanings in alphabetical order. Please keep in mind that each dream symbol could have dozens of variants and alternative meanings.

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Understanding The Subconscious Mind: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Understanding The Subconscious Mind: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

By on May 18, 2015 in Awareness, Science

by TheUnboundedSpirit We are all aware that we have an inner mind which is called ‘subliminal’, ‘subjective’, ‘id’, or the subconscious mind. Freud was one of the first who gave an insight into the functioning of the subconscious mind, linking it with the causes of various diseases. Dr Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, termed the […]

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Why The Law Of Attraction Fails For Many People And How To Make It Work For YOU!

Why The Law Of Attraction Fails For Many People And How To Make It Work For YOU!

By on April 6, 2015 in Awareness

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Why are so many dreams shattered through the Law of Attraction?  What would you manifest if you could wish for anything your heart desired? Desires, Ramifications and Consequences Have you considered how your life would change if you could manifest anything upon desire?  While this premise […]

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Gregg Braden – Manifesting The World You Want To See Through The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Gregg Braden – Manifesting The World You Want To See Through The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

By on March 29, 2015 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In psychology, the subconscious is the part of consciousness that is not currently in focal awareness.  Carl Jung believed there is a limit to what can be held in our conscious focal awareness, adding that an alternative storehouse for knowledge and prior experience is needed. In regard to the […]

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25 Common Dream Symbols And Their Meanings

25 Common Dream Symbols And Their Meanings

By on March 1, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

When you are interpreting your dreams it is important for you to work with your own meanings of symbols, places and people before reaching for a dictionary of dream meanings. Every dream is a story about the dreamer and is often times teaching us a lesson or showing us about who we are and why we are here and doing what we are doing. Below is a list of 25 common symbols and their collective meaning, listed in alphabetical order.

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Spiritual and Metaphysical Dream Analysis

Spiritual and Metaphysical Dream Analysis

By on June 29, 2014 in Spiritual Awakening

Did you ever have a dream that seemed so bizarre that you weren’t sure what it meant?  Our dreams are the gateway to our subconscious mind which can reveal a lot more to what is going on in our lives than what we can interpret from the dream.

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11:11 Synchronicity – Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning

11:11 Synchronicity – Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning

By on January 30, 2010 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The 11:11 synchronicity, along with seeing repetitive numbers, have very syncronistic meanings!

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