Tag: Subconscious

5th Dimensional Consciousness – 3D Does Not Change, It Is A Dimension
3D is a DIMENSION of consciousness and will continue to exist, for those at the level in this Earth SCHOOL, that still need (as part of theirs Souls journey) to go through initiations and experiences, that ONLY exist in 3D.

Transcending Separation – Human’ness To Avatar Consciousness
by Lisa Brown, Your mentality creates your reality. Your energy creates. You are the SOURCE of all realities, for they originate, emanate and radiate from deep inside of you. “That out there” is your own hologram that has become solid so that you have something tangible to show you what you hold inside of you. […]

Mind Science Kept Hidden – The Power Of Your Mind
The power of our mind and heart have been found throughout science to have a relevant and undeniable presence. This documentary explains the effects our mind. What happens to us physically when we love and what happens when we stress out?

Gregg Braden – The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively effecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation by an average of 16%. Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at which this group was meditation.

Speak Successfully With Switchwords
by Kim Caldwell Contributing Writer,In5D.com “Remind yourself that loving words and loving thoughts seem to be supercharged with power to produce good.” —Catherine Ponder How would you like to have words that turn your subconscious mind on like a light switch to create more of what you want? This may be better relationships, enhanced peace, […]

7 Chakras & 7 Links to Your Subconscious
The Chakras do not start and end with their description or definition – which is where many people stop with their understanding of them. To know their name and position is great but what purpose does that serve? What use is that information to you in your daily life? The Chakras are amazing, organic, 3 Dimensional Centers of Energy and within them they hold so many secrets.