Tag: Sun

The Science That Validates Astrology
by Alec Cope as·trol·o·gy noun \?-?strä-l?-j?\ : the study of how the positions of the stars and movements of the planets have a supposed influence on events and on the lives and behavior of people. – Merriam-Webster Dictionary A recent Norwegian study, found that humans born during solar minimums (periods of lesser Sun activity) live […]

The Sun, Sunspots and Consciousness
Compiled by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com What role does the Sun and sunspots play on consciousness and how does this relate to our ever day lives? Edgar Cayce wrote about the correlation between sunspots and consciousness: Cayce saw sun spots, as well as earth changes as a reflection of our own […]

Have You Noticed Any Changes In The Sun?
To those who have been paying attention, the sun has changed color in the past 10-20 years, going from an egg yolk yellow color to bright white as we are heading towards the end of this current solar maximum.

5 Amazing Properties Of Sunlight You’ve Never Heard About
Sunlight is well-known to provide us vitamin D, but did you know that it kills pain, keeps us alert at night, burns fat and more…

Amazing Sun-Orb Anomaly! Massive UFO Refueling on the Sun?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com March 13, 2011 – TAMPA, FL – This has got to be one of the most bizarre sun anomalies ever recorded! On Monday, March 12, 2012, a huge orb at the end of a filament was spotted near the 7 o’clock position of the sun. As […]

Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Ascendant Sign – Just What’s Going on Here?
The short answer is: Your Sun sign describes your basic ego, your Moon sign describes your emotional inner self, and your Ascendant describes the facade you show the rest of the world.