Tag: symptoms

Ascension Symptoms: Body and Mind
The quantity of water that you drink will also be extremely important to you during transformation. The water we drink allows the electrum to flow through your body, which is light lowered to a density as it enters the body mass.

Ascension Symptoms: Sleep and Dreams
We are moving into the higher dimensions at the present. This is creating a temporary confusion of time. You will have dreams that are erratic and strange sometimes. You will wake up and feel emotionally confused. Your sleep patterns might be totally disrupted.

Ascension Symptoms: Out Of Body Experiences
There will be more out-of-body experiences as cellular transformation occurs. This experience will also be accepted more by the public in general. It will be accomplished by more people and the experience will become more popular and will become more fun as more people experience it. More out-of body experiences have already been increasing for many as there is a thinning in the veil.

Ascension Symptoms: Body Vibrations
Some people are experiencing a vibration in their solar plexus from time to time. They have noticed this vibration increasingly for the past several months. This is part of the changes occurring during cellular transformation. The earth also is experiencing a vibration from time to time.

Ascension Symptoms: Aches, Pains And Headaches
During the process of cellular transformation, you may see or feel specific physical changes and sensations in your body and in the bodies of those around you, such as the following:

Ascension Symptoms: Eating Habits
People are already finding a desire to eat in a different way. They are seeing a great shift away from the denser foods (i.e. meats and heavy proteins), and from foods that are heavy and will stay in the body longer and will create greater density in the body. During cellular transformation, your sustenance will be coming more and more from the light or energy vibration and less and less from physical sources. This light pervades the universe and also affects changes in body cells during transformation. This can result in changes in eating habits and changes in your appetite. There can also be a completely new arrangement of your intake of nourishment.

10 Signs Of Spiritual Awakening
Listed below are signs of spiritual awakening reported by those who have experienced it. It is important to note that these symptoms will eventually fade away after one adjusts to this phase of transformation.

21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul
You can say it’s because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness. Personal changes of this magnitude can be difficult to recognize and to understand, but here are 21 traits of an awakening soul, a ‘sensitive’, or an ‘empath.’

The Calm Before The Shift
by Zen Gardner There appears to be a growing sentiment that we’re on the verge of some kind of significant breakthrough. Not the obvious crackdown of the PTBs (Powers That Be), but a good move forward for conscious humanity. It seems to be an awareness step of some sort, but this next stage is becoming […]

Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Suffer From EMF Sensitivity?
by Max and Lana, Guest writers, In5D.com Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields, or EMF Sensitivity, is a pervasive, daunting, and potentially devastating condition that affects a large number of people, many of whom are on a ‘spiritual path’. While almost everyone is affected to some degree by exposure to man-made and/or geopathic sources of electromagnetic fields, […]

This Is The Time Of Vibrational Acceleration
by Jennifer Hoffman This is the time of the acceleration, as the energies of the earth move out of lower vibrations of density and into higher vibrations of movement and creation, connecting you to the flow of Universal energy. You experience this as a feeling of time passing quickly and feel that you are losing […]

How Many Of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms Do YOU Have?
How many of these 51 spiritual awakening symptoms do YOU have? Quiz yourself and your friends HERE!

Ascension Symptoms – Have Your Sleep Patterns Changed Lately?
Have you noticed a change in your sleeping habits lately, perhaps going to bed or taking naps at unusual times? You are not alone!

In5D Radio – Spiritual Awakening Symptoms & Open Lines – Ep. #11
On June 3, 2013, our special guests were our call-ins as we continued talking about the 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms.

In5D Radio – The Dark Night of the Soul and The Shift – Ep. #6
On Monday, April 29th, 2013, In5D Radio’s special guests were our callers as we talked about the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’. We had a full night of callers who were either going through the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ or have been there and shared their experiences and advice with our listeners.