Tag: time travel

Back to the Future? 5 Ways to Make Time Travel Happen
ATTENTION TIME TRAVELERS! Are you tired of being stuck in the present? Do you long for the days of the dinosaurs or the excitement of the future? Well, hold on to your DeLoreans, because we’re about to take a wild ride through the possibilities of time travel!

Time Travel and Teleportation
Our current laws of science will tell us that time travel and teleportation are not possible at this time, but is that true and how will we be able to time travel and teleport in the very near future?

Whistleblower Time Travels To The Year 2749
You ready to time travel? What will the world be like in the year 2749? Al Bielek time traveled through time to tell us.

DeJa Vu – A Wave Of Time
In this physical realm, we are subject to the passage of time. We cannot control this, it is in motion and we are part of that motion as we ride along on this wave of time pulsing outward. There is no changing direction of this pulse or slowing it down and especially no stopping of it.

76 Signs – Take The Spiritual Vibration Test!
By testing your spiritual vibration signs, you can identify your strong points as well as your weaknesses. Here is an easy way to test your spiritual vibration. These spiritual vibration signs will either confirm your spiritual vibration or will give you areas in your life that may need some work.

Time Traveling In Your Dreams
The thought of time traveling has always fascinated me. On a gut level, I truly feel this is a possibility. Even when I think of some of my favorite movies, they involve time travel, such as Back to the Future and Somewhere in Time.

You Are A Time Traveler
by Dennis Klinger, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Some of us think it is possible there will be a scientific invention that will allow us to time travel. Or, some may think this is not possible because we will never have this kind of technology based on the understanding that time cannot be traversed or jumped. In a […]

The Reality Of Time Travel
by Dennis Klinger, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The dream of time travel is something we can all relate to. I can’t imagine the person who claims that they have never thought about it, or they have never had a day dream about travelling to another time and place, or back to a particular moment in your past […]

Hold Up, Did We Just Crack Time Travel?
A now-famous team of astrophysicists shocked the world Thursday after recording the gravitational waves of two black holes slamming into each other 1.3 billion light-years away.

Who Are The Pleiadians?
via Lia, Pleiadians Come From The Pleiades Star Cluster in the Constellation Taurus The Pleiades are a cluster of beautiful, dazzling stars located in the constellation of Taurus. With a telescope, you can see about one-hundred stars. Without a telescope, you can see only six or seven stars. According to ancient legends, the stars are […]

Montauk Project Victim Speaks Out: Greys, Reptilians, Time Travel & Mind Control Experiments
Here’s an interview with an individual named Andy Pero. I met Pero personally through Preston Nichols, author of several books about the Montauk Project which Nichols was personally involved in.

The Controllers Agenda Exposed – An Inconvenient Harvest
For one seeking enlightenment in the form of new enhanced consciousness and enlarged perceptive faculty, be prepared to divest yourself of all past preconceptions and thought-habits and, with childlike meekness and docility, surrender the mind to the reception of some novel and unexpected truths.

Quantum Healing with Candace Remembering Dolores Cannon with Laura Casto and Joan Murray
If you love Dolores Cannon and her work, you will love this show, because it is based upon her work. Past Lives, Miraculous Healings, ETs, Time Travel, The Angelic Realm and more. Candace Craw-Goldman worked with Dolores for many years assisting her not only in classes but by managing her ORIGINAL QHHT Support Forum for […]

Quantum Healing With Candace- Guest Sandy Neville! Crystal Skulls And Dragons Show
If you love stories of healing, health and consciousness, or if you are a fan of Dolores Cannon and her Convoluted Universe stories you will love QHwC. Sandy Neville is a QHHT practitioner located in Lawton, OK. She grew up on a farm in central Alberta, Canada, but as she describes it, “Was Divinely transplanted […]