Tag: time

Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? Here’s the Significance
Have you been seeing 11:11 everywhere? You’re not alone! You may find a penny on the ground. Look at the date and try to understand the significance of not only the date, but the numerology of the date.

7 Meditation Myths
Despite the growing popularity of meditation, prevailing misconceptions and myths about the practice are a barrier that prevents many people from trying meditation and receiving its profound benefits for the body, mind, and spirit.

The Other Eight Dimensions
by Owen K Waters, Does a fish need to know the nature of the water in which it lives? Not really. Do we need to know the nature of our multi-dimensional existence? Absolutely! If you intend to gain any significant mastery of life, it is essential to fully understand the nature of consciousness, energy and […]

Top 10 Time Travel Movies Of All “Time”
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com From quantum physics professors to philosophers, time travel has been a highly debated topic since the inception of time. Is it possible to travel through time and if so, what would happen if you saw yourself? Would the ripple effect come into play if you somehow […]

5 Steps To Improve Your Spiritual Health
What does the term ‘spiritual health’ mean? We all have our own perspective of what both ‘spiritual’ and ‘health’ mean in a general sense, but when we talk about spiritual health we define it as ‘a sense of wholeness.’

Science: You Have Extraterrestrial DNA
Don’t be alarmed, but you have alien DNA in your genetic code. Science says so. Scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilization, Discovery.com reports. They call it “biological SETI” and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by […]

How To Shift Into The 5th Dimension : 7 Things You Must Know
We are moving to an amazing era of New Earth or Fifth Dimensional Earth which is full of extreme heavenly bliss. However, it is up to us to allow the flow of energy from the creator to manifest literally anything into our experience. Since our creator made ourselves in his image, we have a free will to create anything that we want in our reality.

6 Things That Prevent A Great Relationship From Manifesting
Finding a great relationship is one big manifestation most people find themselves on the hunt for at least once or twice in life (and usually a lot more than that!). Though love comes easy for some, other people struggle to manifest a great relationship, and this can cause a lot of heartache and pain. Many of these people seek to understand how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest the perfect mate.

Akashic Records Report – Major Events Are About To Unfold
In a recent interview, a woman with access to the Akashic Records stated there will be some major impending changes on our planet, including a change in power and a new currency in the near future.

Former Astronaut: Time Is An Illusion
In this mind-bending presentation, Ockels explains how ‘time’ is created by human beings, as a way our brains can make sense of gravity. The speed of light is constant, because it is made by us: it’s the clock by which we have calibrated our existence.

Past Life Research With “Chosen Ones” Reveals Matrix
by Truman L. Cash Guest writer, In5D.com A “chosen one” is an individual who is contacted and abducted by extra-terrestrials repeatedly from lifetime to lifetime. “Chosen ones” are sometimes placed in high-level positions in governments, secret societies and religions. The term “chosen one” is a term that the ETs themselves use both to flatter and […]

Is Time Travel Possible?
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity says time travel is possible, if you’re going forward in time. But finding a way to travel backwards requires breaking the speed of light. Now strange-but-true phenomena such as quantum nonlocality may make this a reality.

Bizarre Time Anomaly Is Sweeping The Planet – UPDATED!
Have you noticed a strange anomaly in how time is perceived recently? According to numerous testimonies, a bizarre time phenomena is sweeping the planet!