Tag: vibrate

6 Signs You Are Experiencing Spiritual Vibration
Energy is the building block of life, and it has the ability to vibrate and manifest itself in highs and lows. Energy vibrations hold paramount importance because they have a massive effect on how we perform mentally and physically in our lives.

Ancient Pyramids Were High Frequency Power Stations
The Great Pyramids of Giza harness the very sound waves from the inner core of the earth. Humans cannot hear the frequencies from the Earth but sound waves are emanating from the Earth.

Ascension Symptoms: Body Vibrations
Some people are experiencing a vibration in their solar plexus from time to time. They have noticed this vibration increasingly for the past several months. This is part of the changes occurring during cellular transformation. The earth also is experiencing a vibration from time to time.

7 Common Experiences With The Ascension Process – You’re Not Alone!
For those of you experiencing the process of ascension – here are some aspects. Not everyone is experiencing the same processes. Just know that you are not alone…

How Soul Growth Affects Relationships
Thousands of people all over the planet are shifting into higher states of consciousness and this is reflecting in our everyday relationships with people and society all around us. A lot of relationships are falling apart, mostly because one of the partners is starting to vibrate at a much higher frequency then the other. This is true for families and friendships as well.

How To Survive As A Multidimensional Being In A Limited Consciousness
There is no handbook that explains how we are supposed to handle the phenomena that occurs when human beings on a planet begin to vibrate much differently from each other. On a deeper level we know that we are all connected. Until a major tipping point occurs that will shift us into a more comfortable situation, how can we continue to live together on this planet without going insane or causing harm to one another?